Sunday, November 19, 2006

ABC Fun Fit Featuring Mary Lou Retton (1985)

Okay, here's an album I will never listen to again. It's not that it's bad; it's just that I am not that motivated to exercise to records or videos. I admit that the only reason I bought this (another dollar gem from the HPB clearance bin) was for the celebrity factor. I mean, who knew that Mary Lou Retton, 1984 Olympic champion, would record an album??? I was one of those people who was completely enthralled with this little dynamo back during those Olympics. I even braved the crazy crowds to go see her and other Olympic athletes (plus Ricky Schroder) make a special appearance at the grand re-opening of Irving Mall later that year. The things we do to catch a glimpse of celebrities - crazy.

Anyway, the reason I decided to post this album today is that I had a lot of nervous energy pent up and needed a way to release it. What better way than through exercise? I didn't feel like walking over to the gym, so I thought I'd give this album a try. Needless to say, I still have a lot of nervous energy pent up inside me. (I still don't feel like walking over to the gym, so I think I'll just do a bunch of jumping jacks and push-ups until I exhaust myself.) Besides, the target audience for this album is kids. So, if there are any elementary school teachers out there, this may be an album you may be interested in. If anyone out there does download this, I would appreciate a comment telling me why you downloaded it!

Track listing for ABC Fun Fit Featuring Mary Lou Retton:

Side 1:
1. Fun Fit Theme
2. Mary Lou Retton's Intro
3. Spine Tinglers
4. Working the Joints
5. Isolation Warm-Ups
6. Rock-Easy, No-Bounce, Floor Stretch
7. Legs Up

Side 2:
1. Like a Tiger
2. Reach for It
3. Muscle Makers
4. It's Your Move
5. Rhythm Rockers


  1. oh, my god! i cannot believe it! when i was a teen i did work out to this! and i still have it, too as a record! this is awsome that i have it soon digital! i am just downloading it! you mad my day! thanks so much! ...actually, is was just wondering around the blogger sites and was looking for the original "Pink Panther" soundtrack from the 60s, than i stumbled upon your site! great site, will have a look again from time to time, for sure!

  2. Hi, Cam!
    Thanks for the nice comments! Glad you can work out to this album again and that it brings back good memories. Hope you visit again!
