Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mantovani - Latin Rendezvous (1963)

This is another of the albums I bought when I was doing the ballroom dancing thing. I do love Mantovani. His music was the epitome of easy-listening! I seem to recall that we even danced to some of the songs on this album at the dance studio where I took lessons. Mantovani was also one of my mom's favorites, and sometime down the road I'll post the Mantovani album that belonged to my mom. But right now, I'm going to go have a glass of red wine - that album cover is making me thirsty.

Track listing for Mantovani - Latin Rendezvous:

Side 1:
1. Granada
2. Malaguena
3. Cielito Lindo
4. Be Mine Tonight
5. La Paloma
6. Siboney

Side 2:
1. Andalucia
2. Maria Elena
3. Perfidia
4. Estrellita
5. Amapola
6. Espana


  1. This is a childhood memory for me. Dad played his monoral copy constantly on the stereo in the living room. I remember he bought it on a whim at Kovettes in Manhattan on his lunch hour when it was playing in the music dept. It's an awesome album. My favorites are Siboney and Perfidia. It's even better in stereo! I remember when I found the 8-track that was in stereo. What a treat. Great choice!!!!


  2. I've been listening to quite a bit of Montovani the past several days, so this was a kick to find! I really love Perfidia and Maria Elena, and I was not aware I was familiar with Cielito Lindo, til it started to play, and my rat trap mind obligingly supplied:

    I am the Frito Bandito
    I love Fritos Corn Chips
    I love them, I do
    I love Fritos Corn Chips
    I steal them from you!

    Ah, memories! LOL!

  3. I still have my Frito Bandito eraser that came as a prize in a package of snack-size Fritos! Oh, I also have a Bandito Bunch eraser! (I sing that song the same way, too.)

