Saturday, December 01, 2012

Old Posts

Dear friends,

Due to the "take down" of a certain website a few months ago, I lost all my music backups that were stored on that site.  As a result, there are no links to most of the old posts.  As of this time, I do not plan to re-up those links as there are way too many and it would take a lot of time.  I am sorry if this inconveniences you.  But I hope you will still visit and see what "new" albums I share from my vintage record collection (I'll try to be more regular in my postings!).

In the meantime, please visit my other blog, The Spin-O-Rama Hour, which is a weekly one-hour (or close to it) podcast of vintage music.  (Unfortunately, I lost the older archived episodes, too.)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I do hope you are planning a Summer mix this year!

  2. Hi, Bill!

    Yes, I will do my annual Summer mix! And if I can find the time, I will try to re-post the old ones (no promises, though)!


  3. Don't worry, Esther! Thank you very much for your music.

  4. LOVE your summer mixes, Esther. Look forward to your work again.

  5. Thank you Esther most understandable I have a blog myself and know what you mean lost all my links as well.

  6. As always thanks for the time you spend on your blog. It is a very valuable blog in keeping the classic vinyl alive and well. Been a follower for years, and wait with anticipation with your next share.

  7. Thank you for all your hard work and your generosity. Both are much appreciated. You might consider re-posting your Johnny Mercer compilation as it is the best I have ever seen. Thanks again.

    Bob in California

  8. No problem. This is certainly bad, but still. that you've added, we have already downloaded :)

    Thank you!

  9. Your blog is amazing! I love it. Even without the older links.

    Thaks a lot for the albums! :)

  10. Hi, Esther! If you could only see me grinning like a cat over here; in fact, even my 2 cats are grinnin'. For well over an hour, I've been browsing and reading, reading, reading. Just fabulous! You know what's so extra great about your blog? It's that it gives the reader the feeling that you are sitting across the table from them and just chatting away. How wonderful is that! Yes, indeed, you have the knack. I've seen so many albums you've ripped that I have in a cabinet gathering dust because I have no record player. You can be sure I'll be back and grab a few up. You are just the BEST! :D

  11. i always like groups like this...its too bad a lot of your oler posts are not here anymore...if you ever deciede to relocate to a new site,please let me know..:)....thank you for the neat albums you post :) Tony
