Yet another treasure from the HPB bargain bin, and that caught my attention because of the cover - the couple (especially the girl) just look so happy! I'd never heard of Hugo and Luigi, but when I googled them, I found out that they were pretty famous record producers. Learn something new every day. Anyway, I really liked this album - it's quite delightful! If you like vocal groups like the Norman Luboff choir, Ray Conniff Singers, Ray Charles Singers, and the like, then you'll like this album. I think the last paragraph of the liner notes says it all:
With the fresh style of the Hugo & Luigi Chorus caressing the senses, it's easy to follow the suggestion of the title song, Let's Fall in Love. Listen with a partner. Wonderful things may happen.
Track listing for The Cascading Voices of the Hugo & Luigi Chorus - Let's Fall in Love:
Side 1:
1. Tenderly
2. Let's Fall in Love
3. Melody of Love
4. I Don't Know Why (I Just Do)
5. True Love
6. Anniversary Song
Side 2:
1. Falling in Love with Love
2. As Time Goes By
3. Can't Help Falling in Love
4. Always
5. I'm in the Mood for Love
6. Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Hey! I see you are back and posting again. Good deal. Hope you are over your losses. I know it will be tough when our kitty goes to the cat box in the sky. My wife will be torn up for sure. Great records you have found. Thanks. LP
Thank you for the continuing great posts. You once said that you like Tijuana Brass type music. On the WFMU site they have a file of 100 MP3's on several imitators, some really funny like the Frivolous Five and George Garabedian, etc.
Hi, LP! Hi, Doug!
Thanks for visiting and for your comments!
I love this album art.
I have ripped what is apparently the first "The Cascading Voices of the Hugo & Luigi Chorus" LP if you need/want it. It's pretty good. :-)
Hi, Rich!
I would love a copy of your Cascading Voices LP! I really like mine and was hoping to come across the first one. Please do share!
Well, here it is. There are a few caveats... There are two blips and I didn't do any cleaning on it. My turntable is apparently a little offbalance so a lot of my LP rips have a dull rumble. But if you listen with stinky speakers you won't even notice. ;)
This is a great album! "I'll See You In My Dreams" and "When Day Is Done" are two of my favorite songs. :-D
(The pleasant piano playing on the former is similar to Jimmy Durante's playing on his excellent "As Time Goes By" album.)
Well, enough trivia! Enjoy it before sendspace deletes it from my free account. :-)
Is there any possibility of a re-upload of this wonderful album?
The present link is dead..
Thanks in advvance so much ;-)
Hi, Matt,
I just tried the link and it works. Try it again - maybe Megaupload was just having problems.
Thanks for visiting!
Ester-My bad: The link I mean't to refer to is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cyr937 - posted by Rich..for HIS album contribution (above)
sorry to have troubled you ;-)
Howdy folks,
I re-uploaded that album for you: http://www.sendspace.com/file/de24ng. I'm not a paying subscriber on sendspace, so if you'd like to re-host it yourself, that would certainly be fine with me. :-)
Take care!
Rich - thanks soooooo much! I really enjoy their music.. Great effort, and most thoughtful ;-)
I am really digging the msuic you are posting. ThanQ 4 everything.
I can't tell you how much I love this album. I can't get enough of it. Those cascading voices are so unique. Compared to them, all the other choral groups sound alike.
I LUV this album. Listening to it right now.
By the way, I also LUV Stax-o-Wax, andI gave you a link on my new Jackie Gleason blog.
Thanks for the Cascading Voices.
You have the best stuff EVER!!! I can't smile any bigger! THANK YOU for all of this and for sharing.
Great Music! I found your blog when searching for more music from "The Cascading Voices of the Hugo & Luigi Chorus." I had one incredible track of theirs (i.e., "I Love You") ripped from the RCA Dynagroove demo record we got for Christmas in 1963 with the RCA Phonograph. You are welcome to this track (or other Dynagroove demo record tracks) if you would enjoy them.
Best regards, JR
Thanks, JR! Yes, I would love if you shared any of your Dynagroove demo tracks!
Thanks for visiting,
Hi Esther,
You may download the entire ripped album (i.e., "This is Dynagroove") by entering the following URL in your address bar:
As far as I'm concerned, you are welcome to post the LP on your Blog and copy the zipped folder to MegaUpload-MediaShare, etc. I am unaware of any CDs that contain the LP's music (I wish there were, in fact).
Please let me know if you want more information or better quality photo of the cover, etc.
The music is quite excellent and is especially nostalgic for me since I remember getting it with a portable RCA stereo phonograph at Christmas 1963.
I have been enjoying your LP postings tremendously and am also a big fan of KAAM and live in the D/FW Metroplex.
Best regards, JR
Hi Esther,
Since Zhivago was one of your fav flix, another of my nostalgic LPs you might enjoy is by Alberto Rochi, an Italian nightclub singer who performed here in Dallas in the 1960s. He subsequently married a friend of mine, one of our local TV & Movie actresses, Gayla Graves. The album's title song is "Somewhere My Love" ('nuff said!)...
You may download the full album by entering the following URL in your address bar (and are welcome to post it via your standard Blog/MegaUpload-MediaShare-etc. methodology if you so desire):
Best regards, JR
P.S. BTW, do you still have the "first" Cascading Voices album available that "Rich" commented about back in 2008? All the links mentioned about it in this comment section appear to be obsolete.
I re-uploaded that album for you again:
Please feel free to re-post it elsewhere since I'm uploading it to a free site and it only stays up there for a while before it's deleted!
Enjoy! :-)
Hi, JR!
Thanks for the links to those two albums! Will go download now!
Hi, Rich!
Thanks for re-upping your album! You've made some folks happy!
to J Dennis:
I've been searching for the "Somewhere My Love" album by Alberto Rochi and am sorry I missed being able to download it. Any chance you might put it on another site soon? Thanks
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